Work with Makery!
Makery, the World’s first DIY restaurant franchise, is an upside-down restaurant, which offers a creative community occasion, through which everyone can cook with their partner, family, friends or colleagues and return home with a long lasting experience. We are an internationally growing franchise company with experienced managers, a lot of innovation in-house, and a strong customer focus.
Select your city below to see available open positions and join us!

Why work with us?
A unique gastro concept
Makery is a franchise-startup, an extraordinary experience provider, a mixture of co-creation, gastronomy and fun. -
Flexible working hours
We offer 4-6-8 hours position and we are pretty flexible on the hours (depending on the position).E.g.: It’s really rare to have an overnight shift at Makery -
Visits (or relocate) to other franchise units
Want to work a summer in Vienna or Bratislava? Relocate to our other franchise units or simply visit them. ( Barcelona, Milan and many other exciting cities are coming).
Take part in gastro-innovation
We strive to create the most exciting experiences and delicious recipes so that our guests can have unforgettable moments. Be a part of it! -
Guest experience is the focus
But we don’t forget yours as well. With a humanistic approach, development opportunities and unusual tasks we create a friendly working environment. -
1+1 = more than 2, the power of teams
Sounds cheesy but we do believe in the power of teams! Working at Makery there is always a helping hand to support you and a great community behind you.
Restaurant Manager (HUN)
We are looking for a Restaurant Manager to lead all aspects of our business. You will deliver a high-quality, respectable leadership and motivate our staff to provide excellent customer service.
Felszolgáló/pultos (HUN)
Felszolgáló/pultos álláslehetőség a belvárosi Makery DIY étteremben, ahol a vendégek maguk főzhetnek 5 csillagos ételeket.
Marketing Manager (INT)
Makery is an innovative gastro-tech franchise startup that is looking for a Marketing Manager to grow it’s team.
Restaurant Manager (AT)
We are looking for a Restaurant Manager to lead all aspects of our business. You will deliver a high-quality, respectable leadership and motivate our staff to provide excellent customer service.
Service&Bar Mitarbeiter (AT)
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Service&Bar Mitarbeiter. Die Position wird von uns ab Mitte September in Teilzeit angeboten (20-30 Stunden).
Köchin / Koch - Hilsköchin / Hilfskoch (AT)
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Köchin / Koch - Hilsköchin / Hilfskoch. Die Position wird von uns ab Mitte September in Teilzeit angeboten(20-30 Stunden).
Chef de Rang (AT)
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Chef de Rang. Die Position wird von uns ab Mitte September in Teilzeit angeboten (20-30 Stunden).
Abwäscher(in) (AT)
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Abwäscher(in). Die Position wird von uns ab Mitte September in Teilzeit angeboten (20-30 Stunden).
Sales and Key Account Manager (Junior) (AT)
As a Sales Manager you will build up a growing (business) community around Makery. You will be the face of Makery in the eyes of the B2B clients.
Čašník-Čašníčka (SK)
Správny čašník / čašníčka pozdvihuje kulinársky zážitok pre zákazníkov. Hľadáme niekoho, kto bude mať trpezlivosť, osobnosť a vytrvalosť, aby sa mu v tejto práci darilo.
Barman (SK)
Hľadáme nadšeného barmana, ktorý by hosťom poskytol vynikajúci zážitok z našich drinkov. Dobrí barmani budú schopní vytvárať klasické a inovatívne nápoje, ktoré presahujú potreby a očakávania zákazníkov.
Kuchár (SK)
Hľadáme šikovného kuchára na prípravu chutných jedál podľa jedálneho lístka. Budeš variť jedlá, ktoré potešia našich zákazníkov svojou chuťou a včasným doručením.
Random Clever Person (INT)
Even if at the moment you don't see any opportunity, we are always looking for clever people to widen our talent pool!
Service Manager/Head of Service (AT)
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Service Manager/Head of Service. Die Position wird von uns ab Mitte August in Vollzeit angeboten, bis dahin ist ab der zweiten Juniwoche zunächst eine Teilzeitanstellung für die freie Stelle vorgesehen.
Host (pincér-pultos) (HUN)
Hostként/(Pincérként) Te fogadod a vendégeket és mint egy házigazda Te fogod képviselni a Makery csapatát.
Konyhai előkészítő (HUN)
Konyhai előkészítő munkatársként a Makery élmény egyik legfontosabb szereplője leszel.